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Valeriya avatar
Written by Valeriya
Updated over 8 months ago

Hello! Thank you for deciding to try the OneSoil platform's Pro version. This is the first product that will not only help you create maps for variable-rate application but also evaluate its effectiveness.

This is possible thanks to the features for conducting field trials. We'll help you identify which fields are suitable for VRA based on historical productivity zones, create productivity zones and control strips, and provide you with the tools to analyze yield and trial results.

We have created this guide to explain how the app works.

What can you do in OneSoil Pro?

A lot! It all depends on your needs, equipment, and preferences.

  • Analyze fields' productive potential: create productivity zones, compare them with elevation and soil brightness maps.

  • Create VRA prescription maps based on historical productivity zones, current NDVI, or soil sampling results.

  • Conduct VRA trials.

  • Analyze the effectiveness of variable-rate application and trials.

  • Visualize and compare data from machinery, soil test results, and other data.

Who is this guide for?

It's for everyone who wants to try variable-rate application and see how this technology works on your farm.

  • If you’re a farmer or consultant: you'll be able to set up a VRA trial quickly and efficiently. Just make sure that you're equipped with precision farming machinery.

  • If you’re a dealer: you'll be able to show your clients the value of precision farming machinery and tools.

  • If you do soil testing for your clients, you'll be able to create soil sampling maps much faster and also view and compare the results with other data layers.

What will you learn from this guide?

  • How to properly set up a VRA trial.

  • How we analyze your field data: productivity zones, elevation, and soil brightness.

  • How to create prescription maps for planting, fertilization, and plant protection products application.

  • How to create control strips and why you need them.

  • How to analyze trial results.

  • How to create soil sampling maps and analyze soil test results.

How to use this guide

This guide is made up of several parts, all of which are listed in the table of contents. We recommend studying one part of the guide after another as you explore the app.

Moreover, the app contains hints and useful links:

We hope you enjoy the app and achieve your goals with it!

If you have any questions or issues with the platform, please e-mail us at or contact the Support team in the app chat, and we'll be happy to help!

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